Tuesday, May 17, 2011

What are BLAF and FusionX Templates in OBIEE 11g?

Oracle BIEE look and feel are controlled by Skins, Styles and Messages. Skins define the UI
chrome outside the home and dashboard area (e.g. toolbar). Styles control the appearance of a
dashboard and various views (e.g. font in a pivot table view). Messages store the text for various UI
elements (e.g. brand name).

Oracle BIEE 11g ships out-of-the-box with two default styles – BLAFP (Browser Look and Feel Plus)
and Fusion (FusionFX), both found in the ORACLE_HOME/bifoundation/web/app/Res directory.
These provide a starting point for the custom style and skin that the user wishes to deploy. Common
customizations are illustrated by examples below.. As an instructive instance outside of the default
install, these examples packaged with the example scenario and name “Eden” can be downloaded

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